Holiday and...analysis of current situation
Christmas came and went in South Korea. It did not feel much like Christmas. Maybe because I am in a different place and its not what I am used to. Plus, there were not Christmas decorations smothering the town the day after Thanksgiving like home.
Actually I dont even know where home is. I have lived in many places during my life, and I feel like I have many so called "homes." California will always be my base. I love that state. It has sun and ocean and mountains and lots of loving family and friends. New York didnt steam my kettle at first, but I have lived long enough with a good friend, Liana ji to call the city one of my homes. And Pennsylvania. Gettysburg is where much love and happiness lies. I went through a very big transformation while at school and enjoyed every moment of it. Gettysburg is a great town full of weird people carrying lanterns and wearing civil war costumes yes, but also a place where I met some great friends I will never forget, even if we do lose touch. And of course India plays a large role in the making of who I am now. I connected with the people on my program in a special way. I have never felt so close and comfortable around a group of people such as these 25 fellow enlightened spirits. I felt at home in India, like I lived there before in a past life...The filth, disease, swelling population, corruption and chaos was belittled by the loving kindness, spiritualality and warmth felt by the people I came to know. Anyway, the point is that now I am in Korea. This is my new home. I dont feel the same kind of devotion or connection to the land or people, but I shall give time to let things unfold. I mean, I like kimchi and soju...the rest should be easy.
I did go to an orphanage on Christmas day to hand out more than 60 presents we bought for the little kids. The young ones were very excited to see us and all of them were happy to have Santa visit their home. It was nice to play with them for the day and definitely lifted my spirits.
(delicious holiday basket filled with dried octopus, shrimp
with the legs still on, abilone and other fishy things)
But for now...I am satisfied with my first job out of college. I never thought I would be a teacher, but I am enjoying the position very much. I have almost a year left here before I begin a new adventure. But then again, the adventure is all one, and I might as well enjoy it! Dried fish, kimchi and all! Hope everything is well for my friends and family all over the world! Peace and Love.
PS: If we do ever get married, you're a bridesmaid, so don't go too far away, ok? I can't have all my girl friends halfway around the world for forever...;)