Sunshine coming my way
It is beginning to get warmer in Yeosu. The sun is shining finally through the thick clouds of smog. I read that Korea is one of the worst places for pollution. It doesnt seem to compare to LA, NY and India in my opinion.
Work is same same. I am working hard on mini drama practice with my kindergarten class. Twice a year the teachers make a skit for one class and the kids act in front of their parents. They have to memorize their lines and actions. Every fricken day we practice singing "A Whole New World" from Aladin, and "Hakuna Matata" at least three times. I used to like the songs, but they are getting a bit old now. I get new kindergarten kids in March, so I am eager to meet them, and give them some unique names! One of my new students name is Onion, the other is Shark. This is what happens when you let a child pick their own name. I think it's a great idea.
I met some new people; nice Koreans who have showed me around the area a bit. 
(The temples have Chinese writing on them)
I have gone to a few Buddhist Temples, but they are mostly deserted tourist spots. I have'nt seen any monks, but am overwhelmed by the friendly Christians who come up to me and try to speak English. I think they are trying to get me to come to their church. When they ask me if I am Christian, I give them the Indian head nod...kind of a yes/no shake. I don't want to disappoint them, but find it hard to lie and confirm I am Christian. One lady came up to me this week and was so excited. She kept laughing and handed me a bag of bannanna milk. I was confused and didnt know if she wanted me to pay her for it. I walked along with another Canadian and the lady kept following us. I was getting a bit scared. She asked if we were Christian, and when I said no she took the bag of milk away from me!
I am still lost and confused when Koreans speak to me like I would know what they are saying, but slowly I am learning the language. Its not so difficult, but my motivation is slacking when I do not have a deadline. Well, come to think of it, I never had anything done on time even when I had a deadline...It is nice to pick out some words that I know when they are speaking, and now I know when my kids are saying bad words in class and I threaten to put them in time out. They are dissapointed I have picked up on this.

Lunar New Year was a few weeks ago. I am not sure if it is the same as the Chinese New Year. I asked some Koreans and they did not know. I went to the house of one of the Korean teachers from my school. Her parents live out in the country in a traditional house with their 95 year old grandma. 
(My new adopted family)
I went to their house at 8am and left at 9pm. We ate a huge breakfast of traditional Korean food including dok guuk. This is a rice cake soup with beef they all eat for New Years. They say you grow one year older after eating this soup. I am now 25 years old in Korea. Then I helped my friend Sunny Teacher's mom and dad prepare fried shrimp. I also shelled some oysters. The whole day they were shoving food in my mouth and I was sooo full but old grandma kept telling me to eat more rice. It was comparable to Thanksgiving day. Way too much food. They send me home with mulitple bag fulls of leftovers.
Now every time I see a dog I feel bad. But this dog is farm raised like cow, or pig. I try to justify my actions, but whatev, it was good! They also have cooked beetles in the tents on the street, but I am afraid to try them. Right before the night of dog soup, I tried blood soup, pig intestine and pig lung. Then I got very sick and have been sticking to safe foods. My body was upset with me. Its been about a week and I am ready to experiment again. Tonight I am going out to eat blowfish. Japanese call it fugu, Koreans say bogo. This is on my wish list of things to do in my life. This fish is special because it is poisonous. Chefs have to be licensed to prepare it. If it is cut wrong, the consumer will die. I am stoked! I convinced a few other friends to go, but I will feel bad if they die. It is expensive, and your body feels tingly all over after eating it. The anticipation is swelling. Hahahaa
I talked to my sister today and told her that I loved her. I also told her my death wishes. I said, dont bury me in a cemetery! I want to be burried under an oak tree and let the vultures eat me. She said no. So instead, I want to be thrown on a pyre and let my ashes spread in the wind. This is kind of exciting planning out my funeral! I want all of my family to wear necklaces with my ashes inside also. Ok fine not the necklace part. But you should rub the ashes on your body. Or just put a dot on your forehead. Thats it.
Love and miss you. That little girl is adorable, ps. Miss you!