The times, they keep on rollin
I have been in Korea for 9 months now. I cant believe how fast time has gone by. I have forgotten the blog I created exists. Now its September. I leave in December for good...I think. What will I do now?

The past few months have been repetitive to say the least. I had a week long vacation and went to Japan. That was the most exciting news. I had a lot of expectations going there, with all of my Zen Buddhist background. I was excited to visit temples and talk to monks and practice meditation again. I wanted a relaxing vacation, but I got the opposite. It was also the first time to travel around by myself, and was so exhausting! Hiking Fuji helped drain me a bit.
Thankfully I had a day of rest after meeting a reiki/didgeridoo healer who "unblocked my energy!" Japan was great. Expensive, but worth it. My next travel plans included Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and back to India, BUT plans once again change and I will be heading home in December to see my baby nephew coming into the world! Darn. I mean Im happy for my sister, but couldnt she have waited until I was ready? India will have to wait...again. I am searching for jobs. Its as much fun as all the other times. I am veering towards a Spanish speaking country. Development work. Orphanages, refugee camps, disaster know all those jobs that dont pay any money. People always said I needed to marry a rich man. I always said no way. But now I think I understand why that would be a good idea! Sorry Wil.
See all of you in the states soon. Time goes by so fast. So much has happened. So much has changed. I hope its all for the better!