I have just found an interesting article about North Korea from the point of a foreigner living in Busan, South Korea (like me!) I thought it would be good to spread the word, since when I went home to America, EVERYONE was asking me what I thought about the North Korean situation after living in the south for a year. And so...here's what I think.
I do not believe North Korea is going to bomb South Korea, or any other country for that matter. From what I remember, and what people tell me, the media in America is making North Korea seem like they are planning an attack. I do not personally know Kim Jong Il, president of North Korea, but again, this is my opinion of the matter.

This article I came across presents an interesting argument which I agree with. Bryan Myers says that North Korea is a strong militaristic nation. (Read the interview here). When America asks Kim Jong Il to give up military efforts, it is like asking Americans to give up money. That's all they got. In his interview he also explains how Kim Jong Il behaves as a mother figure to his people. Very interesting article! He has also written a book about the matter. Check it out.
United Nations says North Korea has the 5th largest army in the world. Wow! That's an achievement for how small the country is! As some may know, North Korean soldiers are required to begin military service (with few exceptions) after completion of high school. Length of service depends, but ranges from 4-10 years! It's obvious NK spends a lot of energy on their military. And America is determined to force them to disarm. This is where the tension bursts.
As punishment for resisting cooperation, America has a long list of sanctions on NK. I don't know why NK would be willing to negotiate with America considering the history and treatment over so many years.
Anyway, to answer another question, no, I do not believe the North Korean people are starving. Did you know that NK is a nationalized state? The people are provided food, housing, health care and education for free from the government. Maybe Kim Jong Il isn't so evil after all?
Who am I fooling? Ok, the man seems a bit too strict. So are my parents. I just think that American government (and many people) are on a high horse and need to step down. And the fear tactic getting American people riled up is absurd. My friends and family were surprised to hear that in South Korea, foreigners and Koreans alike are not worried about any attack. But we know who is instigating the conflict.

In recent years, South and North were getting along. Long since separated families could travel to see one another, and the South was shipping food into the North. Recently, with the new Korean president (whom so many seem to dislike) tensions have once again reappeared.

*Because I am not an expert on North Korea, read about it from these websites for further information.