Mi Amor!

My last trip through Asia spurred a tradition of giving each country two words that sum up my experience traveling. While with my friend Antonia we decided on "tuk tuk?" for Thailand," cheap cheap " for Vietnam, and "madam, madam!" for Cambodia. These words were the most commonly called out by locals to me, the passing tourist. After my wanderings through Asia I decided it was time to take a walk through Latin America. I want to learn Spanish, and although I could have done so easily living in Los Angeles, I decided to move to Costa Rica for a year.

So here I am, in Mal Pais on the Nicoya peninsula, living with my cousin and bartending in her bar, Da Monkey.

So far after working at the bar I have learned to say "no tenemos mas cerveza (we don't have any more beer)" and "con gusto (with pleasure)" when someone says "gracias". "Todo bien?" When I walk around asking if everything is ok and "quieres tomar algo? (do you want something to drink?)"

I've only been in here for a month. But I am living in a small town and getting to know the locals and the customs here. I know I should say the two words for Costa Rica are "pura vida" but now that I at least mentioned it I'm going to chose something else that is stuck in my mind from walking down the muddy dirt roads of Mal Pais-a beautiful beach resort town-and that is "mi amor".

At first I was offended and disgusted by the men who would call out to me and make kiss faces saying "Que guapa! Hola mi amor!" I thought it was inappropriate and rude and I would give them a dirty look as I passed. I tried to learn how to say shut up but I forgot. My cousin said that would be rude. Whatever those guys should learn to be more respectful.

As I was walking down the street today carrying my groceries, some random guy was whistling at me from behind and patted on his seat for me to get on the back of his bike. He was yelling "Mi amor! (my love!)" and I laughed, not offended but finally used to the phrase men call out at me- and every woman, from what I am told is a friendly greeting.

So I decided "mi amor" are my two words for Costa Rica.


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