New apartment in Mal Pais
Finally I find a place to live. I have made friends with a group of Argentinian boys. On December 15 I will move into a two bedroom apartment with a guy named Joaquin. It's only 4200 a month. The place is right next to a river in the jungle where I can hear the birds and monkeys all day. Roosters next door will be sure to wake me early every morning.
I am sad to leave Daniellas house right behind the bar and her pups who have become my companions during my late night walks around town and treks through the jungle and wanderings around the beach. They even come to the night club with me as I dance to the pop Latino music.
I feel like I am beginning to understand more about the town and I have gotten used to life in Mal Pais. This is what I wanted and I got it. Now I just have to learn some Spanish!
I am sad to leave Daniellas house right behind the bar and her pups who have become my companions during my late night walks around town and treks through the jungle and wanderings around the beach. They even come to the night club with me as I dance to the pop Latino music.
I feel like I am beginning to understand more about the town and I have gotten used to life in Mal Pais. This is what I wanted and I got it. Now I just have to learn some Spanish!