choices in life
Its time. My year contract in Korea is up. I decided to come back for another year. I was so tired of being indecisive and having so many ideas that I just said it. I think I was afraid of hurt feelings. But I had so many cool ideas! My favorite was going to Guatemala. Kind of random I know, but so cool! I wanted to volunteer with a small organization down there helping to rebuild houses and schools and fundraise for needed supplies. Problem was, what next? These part time odd jobs seem fun and exciting, and leave me with lots of experience...for what? What do I need to do to find MY job? Maybe I am not sure what my job is yet.
I do know that I complain far too much about Korea. I dont feel satisfied here. I make myself believe that I am staying here for the money. I am sure a certain relationship is keeping me put also. I know a little extra cash wont hurt my pocket. Life is just so confusing! I know, I know. Everythings gonna be alright.
On a brighter note, I am reading a good book. The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch. My favorite quote cited from todays reading is "Experience is what you get when you didnt get what you wanted. And experience is often the most valuable thing you have to offer." So I guess this whole teaching in Korea and travel experience is going to lead to something. I just havent mastered the virtue of patience.