What is MY job?

I was walking to work this morning because I left my bike at work. I always ride my bike to work. This morning I had 15 slow minutes to think rather than 5 quickly rushing past me. I looked up and saw a man cementing the side of a building and thought I wanted to help him. I saw a women with jeans and an apron covered in flour working in a factory and thought I would like to be her, instead of dressed up in heels and nice clothes going to "teach" little Korean kids. I never dress up. My boss and co-workers probably think I have a special date tonight. But I dont. I thought I would like a more physical demanding job. Like building or landscaping. I wont be expected to dress nice. I like to be comfortable. Working in this kindergarten school in Korea is emotionally demanding, and I am already too emotional. My muscles are weak, I should be lifting heavy things.

I love working with kids. I love being around them and playing and teaching. But when I am told how to play with kids, especially when I disagree, the interaction begins to be draining. This is my problem.


Unknown said…
:/ How do they tell you to play with them? And it's a shame you're supposed to dress up--working with kids is better when you're casual. It's the way it's supposed to be.

I too would like a slightly more physically-demanding job. For example, I would be very, very happy to help that woman covered in flour.

Hang in there love.

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